There are lots of reasons that people choose to use numbing cream. It definitely has mixed reviews in the tattoo community but it is a great option for a lot of people, whether it’s your first tattoo, a particularly spicy area, or you just prefer less pain. Here is what numbing cream is actually doing, […]
Category: Educational
Kind of a catch-all for things you may not know about the industry.
The Dermal Abyss Project
Two postdoctoral fellows at Harvard Medical School, Nan Jiang and Ali Yetisen, have been working on a study involving bio-sensitive tattoo inks that could become the next thing in wearable medical technology, The Dermal Abyss Project. Working with MIT researchers the study has started the development of smart tattoo inks that would change colour to […]
6 Benefits to Tattoos That May Surprise You
It’s officially summer with the passing of the Summer solstice last weekend on June 20th so I think it’s a great time to do a light, fun post that’s a little different from my other posts. Checkout some hidden advantages you get when you have tattoos: Having multiple tattoos can actually improve your immune system […]
So You Want a Colour Lined Tattoo
General Colour Lining As tattoo trends come and go we in the industry have to be mindful of informing people of the risks, right now colour lining and especially red lining is getting very popular. As an aside, remember to do your research before getting any tattoo but I think especially trends like this. Any […]
Weight Changing and Tattoos
Lots of people have been asking me recently about what weight loss and muscle weight gain can do to a tattoo, and I think this is something lots of people have questions about; “should I wait to get tattoos until after I do the muscle building I’m planning?”, “Do I have to wait until I […]
Tattoo Artwork
“Ok… So here’s some training wheels for tattoo clients. Your artist is absolutely not required to draw (work) for you for free. If your artist is kind enough to do this they have given you a gift. If they send you a preview they are making themselves extremely vulnerable. Requiring uncommunicated revisions on a piece […]
Dear Potential Tattoo Apprentices
Dear Potential Tattoo Apprentices, Generally a tattoo artist wont take on an apprentice without it being of benefit. The student must have a portfolio that exceeds the expectation of the mentor, and has to exhibit respect for the mentor, industry and the applicant must have work ethic and integrity. Most times the foot in the […]
How Does Tattoo Ink Work, and Why Does it Fade?
In the Skin The Science When tattoo ink is injected into the second layer of skin, the dermis, it creates a wound. The wound initiates the body’s immune system. Macrophages are the first line of defense in the immune system and they rush to the area. Macrophages job when there is a wound or infection […]
How To Become a Tattooer
How To Become a Tattooer By: Chris Rhyason Every shop is different- where you apprentice will reflect what you are capable of which determines how well you will be received within the industry. My recommendation to anyone starting out is to be well versed in multiple styles- ie: photo realism, cartoons, graffiti, fine line, new/ […]