Saturday May 11, 2024

How To Become a Tattooer

How To Become a Tattooer By: Chris Rhyason

Every shop is different- where you apprentice will reflect what you are capable of which determines how well you will be received within the industry.

My recommendation to anyone starting out is to be well versed in multiple styles- ie: photo realism, cartoons, graffiti, fine line, new/ old school, compositional art (commercial art) etc.

Thats if you want to create tattoos that are personal to you and unique for the client.

You will learn about contamination, cross contamination, and handling biohazardous materials- so you dont get people sick or infected.

You will learn how to perform your job regardless of what is going on in your world- because long after THAT dust is settled; the ink you were laying down will still be the same as the day you laid it down.

These components will give you longevity.

If you just want to put tasmanian devils on people who havent thought it through you can do three months at many lower standard shops who will teach you how to trace, hopefully teach you how to stay clean, etc.

But you wont have enough demand to stay working; and your work will regularily be covered up.

The other option is to go ‘self-taught’ which some people have done successfully but most fail at- you practice on yourself til you ruin all visible skin: this not only is disappointing if you ever want nice work- but you never look like you know what youre talking about when dealing with potential clients (if that notion even matters)…
AND/OR you practise on your friend’s til all your friends hate you for ruining their skin and the astronomic costs they have to pay for coverup or removal- which usually works out to at least 4x the cost it would have been to get the original tattoo they wanted done properly.

The truth is that tattooing is not regulated by a third party (ie: government)- but if you want to do it properly and well you will pay the money and put forth the effort to LEARN properly and well. It helps a person sleep at night.


Hi there! I'm Taylor, you may know me as Sterling Skull reception, or gatekeeper, or most recently Tater (thanks Chris). I love writing, creating and I love tattoos; so what better way to use my passions than to bring you a personal experience of our studio via a blog! Welcome, please stay a while!
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